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(預購) 流年系列 Alberobello Collections #08。人氣店家FM Carol CASHMERE的流年系列 Alberobello Collections有最棒的商品。快到日 售價:5880 我要購買
輕軟溫暖,膚觸感極佳,古代的貴族形容披戴cashmere是感官至高無上的享受 , 是世界上最輕暖的高級羊絨。好好保養可以使用很久,值得您的投資!
Soft and warm, elegant to touch, and smooth against the skin. Ancient nobility once described cashmere as the sensual paramount experience to enjoy. This is the world's most warm and light senior cashmere. It is easy to maintain and can be used for a many years, well worth your investment! |
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ELSA是我的好朋友,為人正直又有愛心;ELSA他只會推荐好東西!ELSA也請我幫忙收集該商品資料!網友也都知道在定價和網路售價會有一定的差距,ELSA不吝嗇分享他的生活點點滴滴;包括網路上購買的任何東西. 等好久終於開賣了超讚的啦! |